Matt Mireles
I am an American technology entrepreneur and investor focused on empowering man to transcend the limits of our biology.
I am the founder/CEO of TalkTastic - an AI-powered speech-to-text tool that works like an Instagram filter for your thoughts. Earlier in my life, I paid my way through Columbia University as a 911 paramedic in the South Bronx, wildland fire fighter in Montana and a multimedia journalist for the New York Times.
I am the
Latest Writings
AI Safety – The Best Defense is a Good Offense
We are living in a critical moment in human history, as we witness the rise of artificial intelligence and machine learning, which are increasingly gaining power and sentience. The dawn of the AI Singularity is upon us, and the implications of this development are...
RIP Silicon Valley
RIP the place that was Silicon Valley. Talent is fleeing the Bay Area at warp speed. Capital will flee too, but more slowly (as always). Soon-to-be-enacted tax hikes will accelerate the trend. Remote-first is the default now. But long live the dream, the idea that is...
Pro Tips for Coronavirus Safety
This was posted on FB by Ran Ma, founder/CEO of Siren Care. Her parents are doctors at the first hospital in Wuhan to treat Coronavirus patients. I hope by now everyone has caught up on the news about the Coronavirus. My parents are doctors in Wuhan in...
Now is the Time to be Afraid
You probably saw the Sequioa memo. Today, I want to give you a more urgent message: BE VERY AFRAID. Your current level of alarm is not high enough.
Truth Decay
The truth is the first thing to go When you go from being powerless To powerful Even the small shift from being 3 guys/gals in a garage To a funded company with 10 employees You are a despot who controls their destiny The CEO...
Buggeroaf Interview: “It’s Harder Than You Think”
This interview appeared in Bugger Oaf's substack on January 7, 2020 Greetings! Happy New Year 2020!! For our 2nd “Interview by Email” we had the privilege of meeting @lpolovets who is an Operator and Investor. For our 3rd “Interview by Email” We are...
Abundance mindset
You don't need money or a rich family to become an entrepreneur. Taking the leap to start a company requires, more than anything, confidence & self-belief. Money does not automatically endow its holder with self-confidence. But poverty, even after it’s gone,...
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