Luca’s school asked me to write him a letter for mail day. I asked if I could send an email instead. They said ‘yes.’ Here’s what I wrote…

Hello Son,

Your old man here.

First off, I love you. Remember that, especially those early, early mornings when you want to play and I pretend to not notice you sitting on my head and slapping me in the eye. I’m not actually asleep during those times, but I wish I was, and the first step to realizing a dream is acting as though it was already true.

Secondly, I hear that you’ve made friends with the new kid, Cairo. Congratulations and good work. Not only does this allay any latent concerns about sociopathy, but great friendships are a key component to happiness in life. Be kind and generous with your friends. Do it right and you never know just how long the relationship will last. Heck, I’m still friends with Richard Hamilton, and we met in pre-school.

Third, be kind to your teachers. They clearly love you, especially that one Sofia.

With love, your old man.

Matt Mireles and Luca Boyle-Mireles Father and Son during a blackberry picking party.