“There are no rules. Don’t let anyone tell you any different.” -Jim Everingham Perhaps the biggest lesson I learned––though I struggle with it still––from my first startup experience was: YOU ARE ALONE. You are Cortez at the shores of Veracruz....
“You are already naked. There is no reason not to follow your heart.” -Steve Jobs It’s easy to forget that lesson sometimes.
“How are you going to win? It’s not going to come from blog posts or angel money – it’s going to come from having a great product and lots of customers who want to buy it. That’s what we should be focusing on. What is it going to take to make that happen?...
Tomorrow is one of my old co-founder’s birthday. My phone reminded me. Unfortunately, we no longer speak. The end of SpeakerText was neither fun nor pretty. We fought over the scraps, echoing that old adage about academia: Academic politics is the most vicious...
I am the founder of a beer & booze delivery service called Swig! We partner with licensed brick & mortar retailers to sell their booze online in the Swig! marketplace. It’s my first attempt at running a truly “lean” startup. When we built...