Blogging Again

I’ve decided to start blogging again after a year-long hiatus. I used to blog at The Metamorphosis,  decided to act on a long-held urge to write here on the domain named after me.

Home Alone on Thanksgiving? I Saved You a Seat.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! If you’re in San Francisco and alone on this special day, drop me a line. We’d love to have you! Twitter: @MattMireles Email: My girlfriend is making cranberry sauce, stuffing and sweet potatoes to go...

Becoming a Father

On March 7, 2012, I became a father. I think often of what this means. I look at my son in awe. I was once him. My father was once me. To be honest, I feel shame. When I was 15, I challenged my dad to a fist fight. He whacked me with the vacuum hose in return––man...

Destroying Value

Sarah Lacy is the best writer in tech. Hands down. And 3 days ago, TechCrunch/AOL lost her. What a goddamn shame.

Outsiders, Insiders & Disruptive Technology

I spent Sunday at the first-ever NYC video hack day. It was awesome. So many startups. So much energy. After the masses demo’d at General Assembly, an old friend approached me: “Dude, so do you miss it? Do you miss New York?” I thought for a second,...