Little Things That Hold Women Back

There is a glaring shortage of women in the field of technology entrepreneurship. The industry, in fact, is often described as a “Boy’s Club” filled with chummy male investors and entrepreneurs. I am hardly the first person to notice this problem....

The Scrappy Mofo’s Guide to Raising Money (VIDEO)

After having given this spiel to nearly a dozen entrepreneurs face-to-face and haranguing Nivi & Naval to do it themselves in a video, I’ve finally decided to take matters in my own hands and explain to you all how to actually close your seed round on...

Be My Assistant

I’m hiring an assistant. If you’re interested in the role, first email me your resume, then create a slide presentation about yourself, why you’re awesome and why I should hire you––then tweet it to me. Click thru to see the complete job...

Asking the Right Questions

I came home from work grinning with pride. Fridays are now “Code Review” days at SpeakerText. Each Code Review, a different engineer shares a completed project with the company. Discussion ensues. This has turned into an opportunity for everyone in the...

The “Outsider” Strategy

In college, I studied spent a lot of time studying warfighting strategies in the context of international security and politics. My pet topic was insurgent strategies––the strategies of the weak and poorly resourced. Amazing how many of those lessons transfer to...