How to Negotiate Price Without Being a Jerk

If you’ve never done it before, price negotiations are easy to fuck up, especially when you need to have a non-adversarial long-term relationship with the guy on the other side of the table. Think: Employee Salaries Venture Capital Valuations In either case, you...

A Letter to My Son

Luca’s school asked me to write him a letter for mail day. I asked if I could send an email instead. They said ‘yes.’ Here’s what I wrote… Hello Son, Your old man here. First off, I love you. Remember that, especially those early, early...

Valediction, Memorial Day

Thanks to all the military veterans out there. You put your ass on the line, be it for freedom or some politician’s folly. You risked life, limb and long fits of boredom for we the safe and only occasionally grateful. It is because of your sacrifice that we can...

A Good Startup CEO

A good startup CEO sets the direction, the mission and the unit of measure, then empowers his team to figure out the rest. — Matt Mireles (@mattmireles) May 2, 2013 I became a startup CEO because it was the only palatable job I could find. But I never really knew how...