Business, Life
You don’t need money or a rich family to become an entrepreneur. Taking the leap to start a company requires, more than anything, confidence & self-belief. Money does not automatically endow its holder with self-confidence. But poverty, even after it’s gone,...
Business, Life
From: Matt Mireles Date: Fri, Nov 23rd, 2018 at 9:56 AM Subject: Thankful To: Founders Hi Folks, On this Thanksgiving holiday, I am thankful for… you. You are my tribe. A lot of you are the people I talk to most and have become some of my closest friends....
Business, Life
So much of the best advice is impossible to hear when you are first starting out. Success feels within our grasp, just a sprint or two away. We’re in too much of a hurry to listen. Failure slows you down. The pain of failure forces you to stop. Failure creates...