Now that I’m an investor, I am on the receiving end of a lot of investor update emails from startups. Some are clear, consistent and excellent. Some are confusing, some are sporadic, many are bad. As an investor, the quality of a startup’s communications...
“Some of the best companies I’ve invested in were referred to me by founders I’ve rejected. ” -Anonymous Investor I’ve been meeting with a lot of VCs lately. Not because I’m raising money mind you, but because I’m considering...
“You can’t play the man’s game? You can’t close them? Then tell your wife your troubles. ‘Cause only one thing counts in this world: Get them to sign on the line which is dotted.” -Alec Baldwin, Glengarry Glenn Ross Warning: Rant...
After having given this spiel to nearly a dozen entrepreneurs face-to-face and haranguing Nivi & Naval to do it themselves in a video, I’ve finally decided to take matters in my own hands and explain to you all how to actually close your seed round on...
Mark Suster had a great post recently on "What Makes an Entrepreneur" and the role of street smarts, the need for a willingness to defy social conventions and how elite education and employers can hurt entrepreneurs. I was riffing in the comments about my...