Dear Startup Lawyers, Please Blog.

As an entrepreneur, I've long been befuddled by the utter lack of transparency and overall opacity of the market for legal services. From what I understand, this is how the VC world was just five years ago. And then guys like Fred Wilson, Chris Dixon and startups...

The Apocalypse Startup: A How To Guide (Part 2)

I founded SpeakerText during the financial apocalypse of October 2008. We launched the company in January 2010 after burning through just $4k of our cash reserves, the bulk of which was a loan from my dad. Along the way, I learned a few things that I hope other...

The Apocalypse Startup: A How To Guide (Part 1)

I founded SpeakerText during the financial apocalypse of October 2008. We launched earlier this month after burning through just $4k of cash, the bulk of which was a loan from my dad. Along the way, I learned a few things that I hope other founders will find...

Nepotism at Union Square Ventures?

     I made a disturbing discovery this week: Fred Wilson, Managing Partner at Union Square Ventures, has hired his very own son to work there as an Associate. As the pictures above show, the two are clearly related, although for some reason...