SpeakerText Gets Its First Press…

You've probably never heard of Matt Mireles and Bjorn Liljequist but with a $4000 dollar budget and an engineering team paid in iPhones, the two already have Meebo founder Seth Sternberg as their advisor and praise from VC Fred Wilson. The duo's filtering...

User Happiness

When customers are faced with a challenge — a gap in their knowledge, a website that’s not intuitive to navigate, a set up process that’s too complex to get through, etc. — they quickly resort to the state of a baby bird.  Suddenly, they’ve been made to feel...

Company Math vs VC Math

It is the same "VC math" which drives a VC to seek to deploy a larger amount of capital into a company.  (Often taking a capital efficient company and helping it become capital inefficient).  And it is the same math which sometimes creates a lack...

Online Payments, Friction and the Downside of Diversity

My homeboy Chris Dixon wrote a thoughtful post entitled: "Are people more willing to pay for digital goods on mobile devices?" The heart of his argument: I think we are in the AOL “walled garden” days of the mobile internet. Demand is far outpacing...