User Happiness

When customers are faced with a challenge — a gap in their knowledge, a website that’s not intuitive to navigate, a set up process that’s too complex to get through, etc. — they quickly resort to the state of a baby bird.  Suddenly, they’ve been made to feel...

Company Math vs VC Math

It is the same "VC math" which drives a VC to seek to deploy a larger amount of capital into a company.  (Often taking a capital efficient company and helping it become capital inefficient).  And it is the same math which sometimes creates a lack...

Online Payments, Friction and the Downside of Diversity

My homeboy Chris Dixon wrote a thoughtful post entitled: "Are people more willing to pay for digital goods on mobile devices?" The heart of his argument: I think we are in the AOL “walled garden” days of the mobile internet. Demand is far outpacing...

The Need for Achievement

I had a great conversation with Brad Feld today in the comments on his blog post: An Honorable Run and American Power. To keep things simple, i pasted it below. 0 @mattmireles· 1 hour ago Funny how solo endurance sports and entrepreneurship attract the same kind of...